One of the most popular shows, Kundali Bhagya, went off-air last December after Shraddha Arya quit due to her pregnancy. Actor Abhishek Kapur was also part of the show for almost six years, portraying Sameer Luthra. After the leap in 2023, the actor quit the show, and now he is all set to return to the screen alongside Alisha Panwar for an exciting new project. Let’s find more details about it.

On his social media platform, Instagram, Abhishek shared a video showcasing a glimpse of his new character Shivam, who is strong, dedicated, and a true fighter. Sharing the introduction video, the actor in the caption revealed the name of the upcoming show ‘Shivam, The Warrior.’ Interestingly, this is the first project of the actor in 2025, and he wrote, “1st project of 2025…can’t be happier to start this way. Presenting “Shivam, the warrior “”

In the video clip, Shivam looks tough, strong and bold. He beats up the antagonists, and his character looks strong. In an exclusive chat with IWMBuzz, Abhishek revealed that he will appear opposite popular actress Aalisha Panwar, who was last seen on Dangal TV’s Nath Krishna Aur Gauri Ki Kahani. Abhishek and Alisha are paired with each other for the first time, and their chemistry is fiery.

Abhishek Kapur and Aalisha Panwar will play the lead roles in Shivam, The Warrior, a Pocket FM show.

Abhishek poses with Aalisha in the viral photos, serving ‘couple’ goals. The actor looks dashing in an all-black tuxedo, while the actress looks gorgeous in a blood-red long gown with complementing makeup and accessories.