Actor Kushal Tandon who was last seen in Sony TV’s Barsatein – Mausam Pyar Ka, was recently seen cheering for his dear friend Vivian Dsena in the Grand Finale of Bigg Boss 18 that ended last weekend on Colors. He along with friends Kishwer Merchant, and Aarti Singh were seen vocally supporting Vivian to come out as the winner in the reality show. As for the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2024, Kushal Tandon enjoyed a new high with him bagging an award as the year 2024 drew to a close. He also won an award at the start of 2025, for his TV show Barsatein Mausam Pyar Ka. Now, the news is that Kushal is on bed rest after being detected as having an aggravated back.
Kushal in his latest story on social media, has revealed his back X-ray report and has pointed out the problem that lies between the L5 and s2 discs. It seems that he has had a prolapsed disc and is undergoing treatment for the same.
He writes in his story, ‘Between L5 and s2 disc.. ke pure laggayee’
Well, he certainly seems to be in pain with this problem surfacing!!
You can check his post, which is the X-ray report if you know how to read it.
Courtesy: Instagram
Well, certainly, his fans are pouring out concern and good wishes in the form of their prayers. We wish Kushal a speedy recovery, coupled with good rest!!