The popular television vamp Maera Mishra exited the show after portraying the character of Malishka for three and a half years in Bhagya Lakshmi. As the actress shot her final episode on the set, the Bhagya Lakshmi team celebrated her last day with a cake cutting after the shoot, and Maera got emotional on her farewell.

In her video, Maera Mishra cuts the cake with a heavy heart, getting emotional as she bids farewell. She shares that Bhagya Lakshmi has been her best show ever, with the best co-stars, team, and director. Her co-star posted the video, writing, “@MaeraMishra have a great life ahead. 1200 episodes together will miss our baketi. Milte hai jaldi maze maaro.” ” Maera hugged Rohit Suchanti, Aishwarya Khare, Aman Ghandhi, and others.

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On the other hand, fans wonder who would replace Maera Mishra to play Malishka and carry forward her legacy. Actress Megha Prasad is confirmed to play the negative lead in Bhagya Lakshmi, replacing Malishka. This is undoubtedly a big opportunity for her, and so are the expectations of the audience. It will be interesting to see if the new Malishka will be able to receive love as much as Maera Mishra as Malishka.

Bhagya Lakshmi, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms. Maera Mishra is all set to tie the knot with her fiance, Rajul Yadav, in February 2025.