Mrunal Thakur, the talented actress, began her journey from the small screen and made her way to Bollywood with her dedication, passion, and versatility. She became a household name playing Bulbul in Kumkum Bhagya, and since then, she has been an inseparable part of the lives of actors from that show. As the actress discovered the news of her co-star Supriya Shukla’s daughter’s wedding, she penned a note recalling the old memories and extending her well wishes.

On Monday, 30 December, Mrunal Thakur re-shared the post from Supriya’s daughter Jhanak Shukla’s handle and penned a congratulations note, getting nostalgic remembering Kumkum Bhagya days. The actress wrote, “As I watch you begin this new chapter as a bride, I’m filled with nostalgia and happiness, remembering the little girl you once were!” She asked Jhanak’s husband to take care of her, “I can’t believe you two are married. Swapnil khayal rakhna hamari Princu ka!” Further, she mentioned Jhanak Shukla and called Supriya Shukla ‘maa,’ remembering the Kumkum Bhagya moments where Supriya played the role of Mrunal’s mother.

Mrunal Thakur Congratulates Supriya Shukla on Daughter's Wedding, Relives Kumkum Bhagya Memories 930880

Jhanak Shukla tied the knot with Swapnil Suryawanshi on 12 December 2024. Supriya Shukla was last seen in TV show Mera Balam Thanedaar. On the other hand, Mrunal Thakur was seen in South Indian films like The Family Star and Hi Nanna. The actress will appear in films like Pooja Meri Jaan, Vishwambara, Son Of Sardaar 2 and others.