As known, actress Hansika Motwani, known for her work in films like Aranmanai, Singam II and Villain has found herself entangled in a legal controversy involving her family. Her brother, Prashant Motwani, is facing domestic violence allegations filed by his wife, television actress Muskan Nancy James. The complaint, lodged at the Amboli Police Station in Mumbai, also names Hansika and their mother, Mona Motwani.
According to reports, the charges against the family include Sections 498-A (cruelty to a woman), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 504 (intentional insult), 506 (criminal intimidation), and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code.
Muskan, who married Prashant in 2020, has accused her husband of domestic violence, which she claims led to her developing Bell’s Palsy, a condition causing partial facial paralysis. She also alleged that Hansika and Mona frequently interfered in her marriage, contributing to its breakdown. Additionally, Muskan accused the Motwani family of demanding expensive gifts, money, and being involved in fraudulent property dealings.
The actress and Prashant have reportedly been living separately since 2022. Muskan confirmed the legal proceedings in a statement to ETimes but declined to share further details, citing the case’s sub-judice status. “I have sought legal assistance now. At this point, I am not at liberty to comment further,” she stated.
In the midst of the legal dispute, Muskan shared a cryptic Instagram story that appeared to criticize the Motwani family. It read, ‘beti ko ghar ki laxmi maane. laxmi ko hi beti na maane.’ Meanwhile, Hansika has yet to address the allegations publicly, although she remains active on social media.
This ongoing case has garnered attention, with many awaiting further developments and statements from the involved parties.