Rachana Mistry, the charming actress known for her captivating role in “Na Umra Ki Seema Ho,” is radiating joy as she embarks on a beautiful new chapter in her personal life. With immense excitement, she recently announced her roka ceremony with her longtime partner, Amit Madaan, a successful and respected businessman. The celebration, filled with love and happiness, was shared with her fans through a captivating array of stunning photos that she unveiled on social media, delighting her followers at the stroke of midnight on December 6. The announcement not only marks a significant milestone in their relationship but also showcases her happiness, inviting her fans to share in her joyous journey.

Rachana Mistry’s stunning photos captured the couple radiating joy, their eyes sparkling with love as they basked in the warmth of their shared moments. The intimate ceremony served as a beautiful prelude to the couple’s wedding celebrations, filled with heartfelt smiles and tender embraces. This heartfelt occasion left fans and well-wishers buzzing with excitement, eagerly anticipating the couple’s upcoming nuptials.

Rachana looked stunning in her traditional mauve and gold ensemble, the intricate embroidery shimmering softly in the light and enhancing her natural elegance. Her smile radiated joy, reflecting the happiness of the day. Beside her, Amit chose a cream-coloured kurta that perfectly complemented Rachana’s outfit, its simplicity balancing the richness of her attire. The photographs beautifully captured a tapestry of heartwarming moments: the couple exchanging tender smiles, laughing together, and stealing candid glances at one another. It was clear that their day was not just an event but a celebration filled with love, warmth, and affectionate blessings from all around.

You can check the pictures here.

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Courtesy: Instagram

Iqbal Khan, Rachana’s co-lead in Na Umra Ki Seema Ho, congratulated her on her great phase in life.

Congrats to Rachana!!