Nia Sharma is a well-known Indian television actress. She rose to fame as Maanvi from Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Bahena Hai and carved her niche with her stint in several hit shows. The actress is undoubtedly the first choice of several producers, but Nia chooses her opportunities wisely. It seems recently she collaborated with a talent agency however, her experience with the company turns out to be so bad that the actress expressed her frustration on her social media and penned an abusive note. Let’s take a look below.

Taking to her Instagram story, Nia penned a long note expressing her frustration over a talent company name ‘Panache ent talent’ and mentioned as name ‘peeyush panday’ calling their unethical behaviour. Feeling not sorry for her reaction Nia wrote, “Panache ent..talents. Pee-yush pan-Day…No guts no glory.. tum Ch***ya ho and i’m not sorry.”

Nia Sharma Expresses Her Frustration Over A Talent Company For Unethical Behaviour Says,

Further, Nia Sharma revealed, “Today I dealt with absolute losers. Ruined my day.. boiled my blood. Absued them.. rightfully so. When they get the best of you. The only calming thing is abusing the fuck out of them. There’s no other way to talk. There’s no other way but to show them their place.. you don’t enter someone’s professional space, be unethical and get away. You won’t. You can’t. problem is I am too ethical to take your bullshit and lies. Do not associate with me professionally if you can’t honor your commitments Stay out of my lane.”