A few days ago, Kumkum Bhagya actress Pooja Banerjee found herself unexpectedly linked to a money laundering case. Reports alleged that Pooja, along with Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat, had been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with a case involving a Pakistani betting website. The website was reportedly broadcasting Men’s T20 World Cup matches illegally. Both actresses were said to have recorded statements as part of the investigation.

In response, Pooja took to social media to address the allegations, asserting that she has been falsely implicated. She expressed her frustration and disappointment with the media for reporting the story without reaching out to verify the details with her or her team.

Pooja Banerjee issues statement after being named in money laundering case; says her 'family is distressed' 931122

Pooja Banerjee issues statement after being named in money laundering case; says her 'family is distressed' 931123

In her statement, Pooja shared, “Hello my dear well-wishers, A Very Happy New Year to all of you. I wouldn’t have wanted to put this up as my first post of 2025 but sadly the last few days have been rather disappointing and filled with remorse. I was recently falsely blamed for a money laundering case. Sadly, the news was circulated by almost all the media pages and outlets with my name, picture, and my credentials.”

Pooja Banerjee issues statement after being named in money laundering case; says her 'family is distressed' 931124

She went on to explain that she was in South Africa with her family when the allegations surfaced. Pooja expressed surprise that journalists who had previously interacted with her during her career did not reach out for her side of the story before publishing.

Pooja also mentioned her attempts to clarify the situation with several media outlets. While some listened, others dismissed her concerns, claiming the reports came from a “reliable source.” Many refused to retract or correct the information, even after she directly appealed to them.

“My family members were extremely distressed with such a huge false allegation being spread all over the news,” she said. “We have decided to go the legal route in order to clear my standing that no such breach of law was done by me. To all my family, friends, and well-wishers, I’m sorry if this false news has hurt you.”

Pooja concluded by emphasizing the importance of responsible journalism and urged media professionals to double-check their sources before publishing. She requested support from her fans and followers, vowing to stand for the truth and prevent such incidents in the future.