Actress Pratiksha Honmukhe who plays the role of Priyanka in Zee TV’s Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators will soon exit from the show. As we know, the story is poised at the crucial phase wherein Virat and Amruta are trying their best to expose Priyanka and get back the property of the Ahujas. Amruta is pretending to be a ghost in front of Ishika and Priyanka.
We at wrote about the show headed for a leap. We wrote about the proposed time jump being three years, but nothing was confirmed when we wrote it. If you have missed reading it, you can check it here.
Exclusive: Zee TV’s Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye headed for a leap
Now, the news is that Pratiksha Honmukhe will exit the show as the track ends. We had written about the story reaching its climax phase when it came to the ongoing track. The coming track will see the big expose of Pratiksha’s character, leading to her exit from the show.
Pratiksha has also put up an emotional post on social media confirming this.
Courtesy: Instagram
It will be interesting to see how Virat and Amruta’s lives shape up before the leap happens. As of now, the fans of Arijit Taneja and Sriti Jha are gungo about the new phase coming in the show.
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