Rahul Raj Singh, in an interview with The Siddharth Kannan Show, spoke about his late partner Pratyusha Banerjee, her lifestyle, and his own personal struggles. Reflecting on Pratyusha, Rahul described her as a kind-hearted person who always acted from the heart. However, he mentioned that her drinking habits had a significant impact on her life and career. According to Rahul, Pratyusha’s excessive drinking led her to miss work schedules and shifts, which eventually affected her professional commitments.
Rahul also discussed Pratyusha’s friendship with actress Kamya Punjabi. He revealed that he had advised Pratyusha against attending parties hosted by Kamya, citing a significant age gap and expressing concern over her reputation. He claimed that Kamya would sometimes borrow money from Pratyusha, mentioning amounts like ₹50,000 and even ₹2.5 lakh, which were reportedly never fully returned. He alleged that Kamya and Vikas Gupta took financial advantage of Pratyusha, referring to them as “free loaders.”
Speaking about his own struggles, Rahul opened up about his past battle with alcoholism and suicidal tendencies. He recalled his time in Goa when he would drink excessively and ride his bike, hoping for a fatal accident. Despite falling multiple times, he survived each incident. Rahul admitted that while he harbored suicidal thoughts, he lacked the courage to act on them more directly.
The revelations shed light on Rahul’s tumultuous experiences and his perspective on Pratyusha’s challenges. His statements have sparked reactions, particularly regarding his claims about Kamya Punjabi and Vikas Gupta. The interview has reignited discussions surrounding Pratyusha’s tragic demise and the events leading up to it.