Actor Ram Kapoor opened up about his weight loss journey and his successful television career in a recent interview with Devna. He detailed the challenges he faced while losing 55 kilograms over a year and a half, as well as his thoughts on being one of the highest-paid actors in Indian television.
Kapoor shared that his weight loss journey began around 18 months ago. He initially made significant progress during the first six months, but an accident stalled his efforts. He explained that a fall caused a severe shoulder injury, leading to a Stage 3 surgery. This was followed by a lengthy physiotherapy process before he could resume his fitness routine. Kapoor said it took him two focused periods of six months each to achieve the dramatic weight loss.
Reflecting on his television career, Kapoor discussed his unique position in the industry. He stated that he believed he had already left a significant legacy. He claimed that he was the only actor in India to have achieved immense success on television despite his weight. Kapoor, who once weighed 140 kilograms, noted that he was the highest-paid actor during that period. He expressed confidence that his career as a successful actor while being overweight was unparalleled and unlikely to be replicated.
Kapoor has been a prominent figure in Indian television, known for his roles in popular shows and his ability to connect with audiences across various formats but his roles in TV shows like Bade Achhe Lagte Hai and Kasamh Se; and movie roles in Udaan and Student Of The Year are most noteworthy.