Ram Kapoor is a true gem of Indian television. He has portrayed several iconic characters on-screen, including ‘Ram’ from the hit show Bade Acche Lagte Hain. Recently, the actor was snapped in town, and his incredible physical transformation has become the talk of the town. Amidst his inspiring weight loss, the actor, in an interview, revealed that he took permission from his wife for the intimate scene in Bade Acche Lagte Hain with Sakshi Tanwar.
In an interview with well-known YouTuber Siddharth Kannan, Bade Acche Lagte Hain actor Ram Kapoor opened up about the 17-minute intimate scene with Sakshi for the show. Siddharth asked Ram about the viral news that he had to say sorry for the 17-minute intimate scene on screen, spilling beans on the truth. The actor said, “No, I didn’t had to say sorry; Ekta had to. Because my work as an actor is to do my job, I don’t owe an explanation to anybody because, as a professional, I have signed the project and taken money from the producer. So it’s my work to follow the script, whatever is there follow that, I can’t say that I can’t do this then I’m not an actor then I’m a tantrum-throwing star. So, I didn’t do anything wrong. Ekta is the one who wrote the scene, who wanted to do the scene.”
Further, Ram highlights him asking Ekta Kapoor if she really wanted to do this because they were the first ones to do it as nobody on television did before as different generations watched together, but Ekta was confident, and she trusted us. He said, “I said okay, I will first get a good ahead from my wife. So I told Gautami, and she told me if you are okay with it, I leave it to you, and I said okay. Then I said Sakshi, I will handle Ekta. If you have a problem, tell me. Sakshi’s father, he said the most amazing thing, he said Ram, if you are there, then everything is fine. He trusted me, so Sakshi also said if you are there so okay.”
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