Anupamaa the Star Plus show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut which was launched in 2020 has had a good run and has mostly been on top of its ratings ever since its inception. The year 2024 saw a dip in the ratings of this popular show. The show has also seen its first generation leap with actors Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen being brought on board to play the lead actors. However, recently, Alisha Parveen was removed from the show overnight, with Adrija Roy replacing her. Now, the story is focused on the love triangle between Prem, Raahi and Maahi.

The show has earlier seen big exits of Sudhanshu Pandey, Muskan Bamne, Madalsa Sharma, Nidhi Shah and a few more. A lot has earlier been written about Rupali Ganguly being the reason behind these exits. However, none of it has been confirmed news.

Now, the big report is that Rupali Ganguly who has been playing the titular role of Anupamaa in the show since its inception, will quit the show in the near future.

Reports state that Rupali will be eased out of the show anytime in the coming three months. This news has left the loyal Anupamaa viewers in shock. The report also states that the show has certainly moved to the new generation of characters in the show, and is establishing their plot with good effect. Rupali aka Anupamaa has been kept in the show, but the story does not centre around her as of now.

Slowly, the plot will focus on the path ahead and Rupali will see an exit from the show, which is given to believe.

We wonder how the channel and makers will depict a convincing story ahead if there is no Rupali in the cast.

Let’s wait and watch!!