Rozlyn Khan recently slammed actress Hina Khan for lying about her stage 3 breast cancer journey. The Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actress has been fighting for Stage 3 Breast Cancer, and she has been sharing updates about her health and her spirited journey. However, Rozlyn, who herself is a survivor of Stage 4 Cancer and works for a Breast Cancer Awareness program, challenged Hina Khan to show her medical report to prove her wrong.
On her Instagram story, Rozlyn shared a screenshot of her conversation with one of the women diagnosed with breast cancer, communicating about Hina Khan’s claims about being in the OT for 16 hours. With the SS, the girl named Pooja revealed that Mastectomy does not take 15 hours, as in her case, it took only 2 and a half hours.
Replying to her, Rozlyn called Hina Khan a lair and challenged her to post her medical report, “See hina khan is lair. You know it I know it.. because we have gone through mastectomy.. aur aj tak hina ne bola bhi nahi hai ke mastectomy hui hai uss ki..! Plus radiation ka to naam bhi nahi liya..! Stage 3 tha ya nahi report post kar de… if I’m wrong..! Making news using cancer.. shameful act… cancer changes people the way they think but with these people I can only say ye nahi sudhrein gey.”
In a recent media interaction, Rozlyn called Hina’s Stage 3 Cancer Diagnosis a PR stunt- “I challenge her to post her report on Instagram if she really wants to talk about cancer and its treatment to inspire others. It’s just PR activities to keep her in the news for humdardi.”
Rozlyn, further highlighted that she will go live with 4 Cancer survivors talking about their experience and to clear Hina Khan’s claims, “Guys and girls get ready to go live with four cancer survivors talking about there experiences and we will discuss the great sherni hina khan of film industry..! You will get to know how much time it takes to heal from surgery n if stage 3 cancer patients go for radiation or not.”
Rozlyn, in her post, also emphasized that he has many such stage 3 cancer survivors who would talk about their journey. Until now, actress Hina Khan has not responded or reacted on this matter. But her reply is much awaited.