Star Plus show Anupama, featuring Rupali Ganguly in the lead, has been in the headlines for all the controversial reasons. Recently, the show took a five-year leap, after which several characters were replaced, and even before that, Sudhanshu Pandey, who played the iconic character of Vanraj Shah, left the show overnight, which sparked a clash rumors with the producer Rajan Shahi. Also, several headlines stated that the actor left the show because of Rupali Ganguly. However, this news has not been confirmed by the actors who left, and now Rupali shared a goofy video with Sudhanshu Pandey, which sparks curiosity.
Rupali Ganguly took to her Instagram story and shared a clip from the show Anupamaa featuring Sudhanshu Pandey amidst their clash rumors. The goofy video featured Sudhanshu Pandey’s reaction majorly from Tapish and Dimpy’s wedding sequence. Though it was a serious scene but, Rupali enjoyed it because of the English translation. The clip was dubbed in English, and sharing the clip, the actress wrote, “Angrezi Anupamaa (with a handmade heart and a dancing emoji).” With this, one thing is clear: everything is fine between Rupali and ex-co-star Sudhanshu Pandey. Also, Gaurav Khanna, who played the loved interest of Anupamaa, is also not part of the show. However, he recently appeared at a roundtable interview with TV actors organized by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut Production.