Bigg Boss 17 contestants Abhishek Kumar and Samarth Jurel are all set to work together in their upcoming show, Laughter Chefs Unlimited Entertainment. But before that, the duo appeared in Bigg Boss 18 for a special episode. The duo entertained the audience with their fun banter, and Abhishek has put up a vlog sharing his experience and also revealing his favorites inside the house.

After wrapping up the shoot inside Bigg Boss 18, Abhishek Kumar and Samarth Jurel were traveling back to their houses. In the vlog, he asked Samarth who he genuinely liked. Keeping his hand on his chest, Samarth revealed that he likes Chahat Pandey a lot. Abhishek also picked the same name, and they argued, but both of them liked Chahat a lot.

Further, Samarth highlighted that he also liked Rajat Dalal because he has a different connection. He also emphasized that everyone was quiet except Avinash, Karan, and Rajat, and they were too dull. Both of them couldn’t resist praising Chahat, and they called her ‘decent’ while Samarth said he had fallen for Chahat, making a heart. In the end, Abhishek asked fans to vote for Eisha, Karan, and Chahat, while Samarth expressed his wish to work with Chahat on the TV show and openly support Chahat Pandey.

Also, Nouran, Eisha’s mother, Avinash’s mother, and others liked Chahat and praised her gameplay and personality.