Karam Tacker has made the perfect start of the year by green-ticking his wishlist of buying a luxurious car. The Special Ops actor recently bought a brand new Mercedes Benz GLC. He shared a glimpse of the car’s inauguration with his family members. The actor looked happy and excited for endless rides on his new buddy.
On his Instagram story, Karan re-shared the story posted by Auto Hanger, the place where the actor purchased his new car. The navy blue car shines bright, and the chic body enhances the luxury. The actor posed with his new car like a pro, and his face can be seen beaming with pride. He wore a white T-shirt with a matching bottom and a red and beige checked shirt. He also enjoyed the little celebration with his family with a fine drink.
Sharing these photos, the company wished, “Congratulations @karantackrr for your new car (with a red heart and a star).” Replying to them, Karan wrote, “Gotta thank the peeps at Autohanger for amazing customer service and a swift delivery.” Seeing this luxurious beauty, you might have wondered about the price tag of the new car. So let us reveal that Mercedes Benz GLC comes with whopping price tags ranging from 59.40 lakh to 66.25 lakh.
Last year, Karan Tacker bought a Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV, and now a Mercedes-Benz GLC is added to his luxurious car collection.