Ever since Star Bharat show RadhaKrishn hit the big time with viewers, Sumedh Mudgalkar, the actor who plays Krishn on the show, has become the darling of fans. The actor has a humongous number of viewers who love and adore him.

And we all know that in today’s times, with great fame comes a great number of fake social media accounts. Sumedh Mudgalkar discovered the scourge much to his irritation, recently.

Apparently, there have been social media accounts bearing Sumedh’s identity, that have been impersonating the actor and engaging with his fans. Some have even gone to the extent of asking people to invest in a movie that Sumedh is making. It goes without saying that all these accounts are fake.

Sumedh, however, is not one to let matters be. The lovable actor took to his Instagram to warn his fans not to place faith in or engage with any of these random social media accounts in his name. The blue ticks are the best tool to guide fans to the genuine Sumedh Mudgalkar social media handles. All the rest are—you got it—fake.

Check out Sumedh Mudgalkar’s Insta post-

View Instagram Post 1: Sumedh Mudgalkar warns fans against fake accounts asking people for money in his name

We’re glad today’s actors are socially active and conscious of the responsibility they have towards their fans and their well-being.

Way to go, Sumedh!