Sony SAB’s popular comedy show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, produced by Neela Film Production, has seen a nail-biting twist as Tapu Sena plans against Bhide. As per their plan, Raja Mastana surprises everyone with his prediction skills, claiming that he can foresee the future by observing the shadows. Raja Mastana, disguised as Chhotelal, warns Bapuji that Tapu’s marriage idea will be a big problem until Daya returns.

In the upcoming episode, Raja Mastana, disguised as Chhotelal, the astrologer, takes his antics to another level. He purposely bumps into Bhide and drops a ₹100 note knowingly. He asks Bhide if it’s his money, and an honest Bhide denies it. Chhotelal praises Bhide’s integrity. However, Bhide doubts him as Raja Mastana casually mentions that Bhide is a teacher. He wonders how a stranger could know such a personal detail. Raja Mastana confidently explains that he can read a person’s traits by observing their shadow’s reflection.

Will Bhide figure out Raja Mastana’s disguise? Will Tapu Sena succeed in their plan with Raja Mastana, or will Bhide spoil their fun? And how will this encounter shake up life in Gokuldham Society?

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is the most popular comedy sitcom, produced by Neela Film Production. The story revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai. It focuses on its members who come from different backgrounds, emphasizing unity in diversity. The show, launched in 2008, has been a favorite of all households for years.