Television beloved actress Jheel Mehta, who rose to fame as Sonu Bhide from the iconic comedy show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, recently with her longtime boyfriend Aditya Dube. After a couple of days, on 31 December, the actress dropped the wedding video on her Instagram, recalling the memorable day with an emotional note in the caption.

Taking to her Instagram handle, Jheel Mehta and Aditya Dube shared their wedding video which was filled with ‘awe’ moments and the actress captioned it, “Every step she takes echoes a decade of memories, as my heart races through the moments we’ve shared. @jheelmehta_ @adiplays_.” The video begins with Jheel expressing her excitement as the big day is here. Wearing a beautiful red lehenga and dressed as a traditional bride with the touch of western style, she looked pretty.

View Instagram Post 1: Taarak Mehta's Jheel Mehta Shares Filmy Wedding Video With Aditya Dube, Pens Emotional Note

Jheel’s long chunni had text, “Jheel ke pyaar me Dube,” highlighting their love for each other. From haldi, mehendi and sath phera all the ceremonies were performed well. Everything was based on a theme and the duo looked emotional as they saw each other as bride and groom. Throughout the video, the couple looked happy, and their beautiful smiles hinted at their enthusiasm. The wedding video is an epitome of their true love and togetherness which is now melting hearts on the internet.

Jheel Mehta and Aditya Dube tied the knot in a big fat wedding on 28 December 2024 in Vasant Valley.