Television actress Nia Sharma, known for her bold and unapologetic persona, recently sat down with Faridoon Shahryar for an engaging interview where she candidly discussed her personal and professional journey. From grappling with initial struggles in Mumbai to carving her niche in the entertainment industry, Nia shared insights into her life, relationships, and the challenges of being a TV actor.

When asked about her take on relationships, Nia revealed how emotional upheavals and the end of significant relationships marked her 20s. These moments made her question her identity and wonder why things didn’t work out. However, she emphasized her resilience, stating, “I cried, but I never stopped working.”

Now in a more peaceful phase of her life, the actress described herself as self-sufficient, stating that she no longer feels the need to entertain others or depend on relationships. “I am not dying without it,” she remarked, reflecting her newfound sense of independence and inner peace.

Nia also shared a lighthearted moment during the interview, recounting how her heart “skipped a bit” when actor Fardeen Khan visited her counter on the set of Laughter Chef for a movie promotion. She revealed that Fardeen Khan had been her childhood fantasy, adding a playful touch to the conversation.

Challenges of a TV actor

On her professional front, Nia discussed the struggles of being a TV actor, pointing out that despite her fame, she feels she hasn’t received the kind of work she aspires to. Managing her career without an extensive team and navigating low phases have been particularly challenging, but her determination to keep moving forward remains steadfast.

An all-or-nothing approach to love

Nia also opened up about her idea of romance, describing herself as someone who gives her all in relationships. Her vulnerability and honesty during the interview highlighted her human side, making her story even more relatable to her fans.

With this candid conversation, Nia Sharma once again proved why she’s admired not just for her acting but also for her forthrightness. Fans can catch the full interview to delve deeper into the life of this resilient and inspiring actress.