Popular TV actress Tina Datta is going through a tough time in her personal life, losing her beloved grandmother recently. On Saturday, 11 January 2025, her grandmother passed away, and recalling the moments with her granny, the actress shared a bunch of photos with a heartfelt note.

Tina dropped adorable photos with her grandmother, from kissing her, spending time, and celebrating birthdays to pulling her granny’s cheeks; the Bigg Boss 16 contestant showcased all the beautiful memories throughout these years. Expressing her grief in the long note she wrote, “And lost a piece of my heart.. Someone who was extremely dear to me and loved me with all her heart.. She was my safe haven.. My comfort zone, my happiness… To no more sloppy kisses and Lobee you.. to no more cheek rubs and cheek pulls , to no more troubling up and making her wear nail polish.. to no more her making me all the amazing sweet dishes and bhog.. To no more calling and asking , “koube ashbi?” Taratari aai , sabdhane jash..

Tina expressed her gratitude to her grandmother and said, “Today whatever lil spiritual i am , all thanks to Amma.. Will miss you with all my heart Amma.. Thing’s are never ever gonna be the same without you… Words fall short.. You held a vvv special place in my heart and vice versa.. and i know i was your only Fav ♥️♥️♥️ love you amma. 11.01.2025.”

Lastly Tina described her grandmother as the most beautiful lady and being fan of her glowing skin, “Ps she was the prettiest of all.. And her skin would glow like anything, no moisturiser no lotion, just natural beauty.. and i would rub my cheeks against her , and tell her “amma ektu sundor kore daona “(make me look as pretty as you) amar sundori Kamala , amar Minu, will miss you.”

Undoubtedly, the void created in Tina Datta’s life after her grandmother’s death will never be filled, but her sweet memories will keep her going.