A few days ago, Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actor Gurucharan Singh was admitted to the hospital due to his deteriorating health. According to reports, the actor didn’t eat for around 19 days, leading to his severe health issues. However, after days of struggle, Singh was finally discharged from the hospital. Sharing an update about his discharge and health, he shared a video on his Instagram handle where he also revealed his pending loan, which he has to clear.
In the video shared, Gurucharan Singh first expressed his gratitude to Lord Waheguru Ji. He also thanked all those who prayed for him, supported him, and did not go to him in any way. He also said that Waheguru Ji may bless everyone and all those who have been with him in his struggles. The actor highlighted that he wishes to work again, be independent, work hard, earn money, perform well, and want more work.
View Instagram Post 1: TMKOC's Gurucharan Singh Gets Discharged, Opens Up About His Loan Struggles
Further, Gurucharan emphasized that his work and success are only possible with the support of his fans and well-wishers. He is willing to do hard work, as he has financial crises, and everybody already knows about them. He wants to clear the loan and be independent. He ended the video on a positive note, saying that everything will happen well with Waheguru Ji’s blessings.
Gurucharan Singh was seen in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah as Mr. Sodhi and played the same role for 12 years before leaving the show in 2020. According to reports, he is in debt of around 1.2 crore, but due to no work, he stressed out, leading to his declining health.