Television’s beloved couple, Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya, were spotted at Mumbai airport recently, jetting off to Chandigarh to ring in the New Year together. The duo, who are known for their endearing relationship, have been a constant source of inspiration for fans, often sharing glimpses of their love and camaraderie on social media.

The couple, who are celebrating eight years of marital bliss, looked every bit the stylish duo as they made their way through the airport. Divyanka opted for a chic, yet comfortable look, donning a checkered shirt paired with black jeans. The actress, who gained fame for her roles in popular shows like Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, added a touch of effortless elegance with her minimalistic styling.

Vivek Dahiya, her actor-husband, complemented her perfectly in a black outfit, exuding a casual yet sophisticated vibe. Known for his performances in shows such as Qayamat Ki Raat and Meri Saasu Maa, Vivek seemed to embrace the festive mood as they prepared to head to Chandigarh for their New Year getaway.

The couple, who frequently share updates about their travels and personal milestones, has often spoken about their mutual respect and admiration for each other. Their social media profiles are filled with pictures and videos of them exploring new destinations, celebrating personal achievements, and simply enjoying each other’s company.

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Divyanka and Vivek’s love story began in 2016, and they tied the knot later that year, quickly becoming one of television’s most adored couples. Their relationship has often been highlighted for its warmth and genuine affection, which resonates with fans across the country.

As the couple gears up for their New Year celebrations, fans are eagerly awaiting more updates from the lovebirds, who continue to inspire with their unshakable bond and joy-filled adventures. Whether it’s their shared travels or tender moments, Divyanka and Vivek’s relationship remains a true example of partnership, affection, and mutual respect.

For now, the couple is set to welcome the New Year in the beautiful city of Chandigarh, adding another chapter to their journey together.