Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is one of the longest-running shows on television. It is produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Production. The current lead, Rohit Purohit, has become a household name as Armaan Poddar. The actor is quite active on his social media, and this time, he posted adorable photos from his 6th wedding anniversary. On the other hand, co-star Garvita Sadhwani posted stunning photos in a bold gown. Let’s have a full look below.
Rohit shared a bunch of photos showcasing a glimpse into his 6th wedding anniversary with wifey Sheena Bajaj. The opening frame shows the couple looking into each other’s eyes and flashing their big smiles with the celebration decoration in the backdrop. They made the celebration special with chocolate cake. They made each other eat the cake, and the adorable moments left us in awe. Wearing a shimmery pink dress, Sheena looked pretty, while Rohit looked handsome in a blue denim shirt. On a happy note, the couple started the 7th year of their marriage.
Garvita Sadhwani, who is also a part of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, portraying the character of Ruhi Poddar, dropped stunning photos on her Instagram. These are throwback photos from the Star Plus awards night. The actress wore a see-through silver glittery gown featuring a bold neckline and a jaw-dropping thigh-high slit, raising the temperature. Throughout the photos, Garvita flaunted her stunning figure in the striking moments.