Zee TV’s recently launched show Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile has struck a chord with viewers. It blends gripping drama and a captivating storyline with characters whose on-screen chemistry is undeniable. Bharat Ahlawat and Ayushi Khurana, portraying Raghav and Reet, have quickly become beloved Jodi, with fans hooked on their love-hate dynamic.
In recent episodes, viewers watched how Reet and Raghav tie the knot in the unique marriage custom Aata Saata, which is only to secure their sibling’s future together. And to support them, shower them with blessings and be a part of their big day, Zee Kutumb’s Amruta (Sriti Jha) from Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye, Rajvansh (Abrar Qazi) from Kumkum Bhagya and Chandrika (Nausheen Ali Sardar) from Vasudha attended this #SaalKiSabseAnokhiShaadi.
Amruta (Sriti Jha) said, “We went to Reet and Raghav’s Anokhi Shaadi to give them our best wishes. I hope that Reet and Raghav realise that relationships are not based on terms and conditions, and I wish that this transactional marriage turns into one filled with love.”
Rajvansh (Abrar Qazi) said, “I am very excited about Reet and Raghav’s wedding, Raghav is my really good friend. And as a friend, I went there to support my friend and cheer him up on his big day. I wasn’t aware of the concept of Aata-Sata till I saw the promo of the show, but I find it very interesting. I just wish that Reet and Raghav do not consider this relationship as an agreement, and fall in love with each other.”
Chandrika (Nausheen Ali Sardar) said, “I’ve always been familiar with love marriages and arranged marriages, but learning about something as unique as Aata-Sata was a first for me. At its core, I believe marriage should be built on a foundation of love and trust. When these two pillars are strong, they become the only essentials needed to sustain a lasting and meaningful relationship.”
While this aata-sata wedding has finally occurred, it will be interesting for the viewers to watch how Reet and Raghav’s journey unfolds in the upcoming episodes.
To find out, watch ‘Jaane Anjaane Hum Mile’ every Monday to Friday at 9:30 PM, only on Zee TV!