Producer Rahul Tewary, alongside Rolling Tales Production, has proudly unveiled their second captivating television show titled Ram Bhavan, which premieres today, January 29, on Colors. This new series boasts an impressive ensemble cast featuring talented actors Mishkat Varma, Khushbu Rajendra, and Samiksha Jaiswal, each bringing their unique flair to the storyline. Following the success of their previous venture, Udne Ki Aasha, known for its relatable and heartfelt narrative, Tewary is once again exploring a compelling theme that intertwines deep emotions with the complexities of legacy and power dynamics. Ram Bhavan promises to engage viewers with its rich character arcs and meaningful storytelling.
Here is Producer Rahul Tewary talking exclusively to on his new show Ram Bhavan, its main cast and the concept.
Read on.
Tell us about the USP of Ram Bhavan?
I think, like any other show, this is a relatable story. In our circles, many of us would have experienced or come across a place like Ram Bhavan—whether growing up or even today—in our friends’ lives or among our own relatives. It’s a very relatable story, and I believe that’s what will make it connect with viewers. Currently, there’s no other show on a subject like this. Family feuds are a common theme, but a proper, nuanced show like this hasn’t been seen in a while.
Mishkat Varma seems to have already won hearts as Om Bajpai. Tell us about him and the character.
I was looking for someone who wasn’t entirely new but had enough experience to understand the camera and the nuances of shooting. That’s where Mishkat came in. With his prior experience and the shows he’s worked on, I felt he was the perfect fit for Om. When he auditioned, I immediately knew he was the right choice for the character.
Samiksha Jaiswai makes a comeback. Tell us about finding Gayatri.
We went through numerous auditions and mock shoots. During one of them, Samiksha auditioned, and her performance was so compelling that I was confident she could bring this character to life. The characters of Om and the Bhabhi are quite different. As you rightly pointed out, their dynamics are unique. Both characters have distinct voices and journeys, which is rare to see on television today. While they might clash, they are ultimately fighting for the same cause—the legacy of Ram Bhavan. This will make the show interesting to watch.
You have given Sachin Deshmukh and now Om Bajpai, tell us about the secret behind showing your heroes as the typical common man, which is quite relatable?
Each character has its own journey. Sachin comes from a lower-middle-class background, with aspirations of building a dream home. Om’s circumstances and upbringing are different, shaping his goals differently. While their aspirations might vary, their relatability and simplicity remain the core of their characters.
What is your aim as a maker when you work on newer concepts and characters?
At any given time, I aim for our company to have at least three to four shows airing on television. In the digital space, we’re working on concepts for at least two series per year.
Originality in concept V/s remake of regional hit. Your take on this. What do you prefer more?
I am currently working on remakes, and I truly enjoy it. Many shows in Hindi GECs today are remakes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Remakes provide a bound storyline, allowing us to focus on character development and track planning. It gives us the luxury of time to refine the storyline and ensure it resonates with viewers.