Hold your heart, folks, because television actress Nidhi Shah, who rose to fame with her role as Kinjal in Anupamaa, has once again set the social media on fire with her boldest and most glamorous look. The diva has stepped up the fashion bar, embracing her look in a daring glittery attire, exuding effortlessly grace and confidence. We know we are in for a treat whenever the actress shares new photos.
This time, she dropped photos of herself wearing a red bodycon dress that looked like a monokini. The halter strappy sleeves, bralette-style neckline, and fitting bodice define Nidhi’s hourglass figure. At the same time, the bikini-style bottom makes her outfit look like a monokini. The long glittery hanging details from her waist to the knees add a glamour quotient. The actress goes bold in the most glamorous style. Anupamaa actress leaves the onlookers mesmerized with her charming personality. In this look, the actress resonates with the iconic Shakira, and you cannot disagree.
That’s not all! Nidhi opted for silver glittery eye shadow with winged eyeliner to enhance her beautiful eyes. Shiny red cheeks with matte nude pink lips complement her appearance. Long hair styled in beautiful curls elevates her appearance, making a masterpiece. Capturing herself in the mirror selfies, Nidhi perfectly highlighted her thin curves, toned legs, and sizzling hot look. The actress looks glamorous and gorgeous throughout the photos, flaunting her style like never before.