Shivangi Joshi, the heartthrob of the hit show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, has amazing chemistry with Mohsin Khan, her on-screen partner. She is a diva. She has rocked every department in her life. Be it acting, dancing, fashion, and name it and Shivangi Joshi has already excelled in it.
Shivangi Joshi has managed to become everyone’s favorite television actress with her radiant smile and chirpy persona in a really short period. As talented as the Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actress is, her dress-sense is no less phenomenal.
Recently, Shivangi made a red-carpet appearance and left us spellbound with how magnificent she looked. Clad in a royal-looking ball gown, Shivangi embodied a perfect balance of glamour and class, thanks to the well-balanced bling and the maroon colour of the attire.
Joshi has been an all-rounder since the time she debuted in the TV industry. Her fashion sense, perfect dialogue delivery, flawless screen presence have made her a diva.
She already looks very beautiful in reel and real-life but when she dons any floral days, she looks drop-dead gorgeous.
Here are some of her floral collections you are waiting for