Divyanka Tripathi, the star who started her career with her big break in award winning daily soap Banoo Main Teri Dulhan, is also well known for her long, luscious hair that we can`t let go without admiring either. Everyone is blessed with either clear skin or great hair. But apparently, Divyanka is blessed with both. However, for this particular article, let`s focus on her hair. Keep reading this article to know the secret to her dreamy locks.

The Coldd Lassi Aur Chicken Masala star claims to follow a very strict yet simple hair routine that one can easily add to their own hair routine too without much trouble. Having trouble using tons of products and yet having your hair problems unsolved? Here`s Divyanka to the rescue! Divyanka spills out the easiest trick to keep her hair smooth by saying she shampoos her hair with warm water and conditions her hair using cold water. A lot simpler than we assumed it to be, right? I`m sure each one of us can follow that without the anticipated hassle. Thanks Divyanka!

Even though some of us do find hair masks messy and time consuming, hard truth is – no gain without pain. Take a look at Divyanka herself. On days when she isn`t working, she claims to do hair masks and some deep conditioning routines too. Some of us might find it hard to perceive, knowing all too well about her busy schedule. But the results clearly do speak for themselves. Want hair like Divyanka? Let`s get to work using her routine and rituals!