Kundali Bhagya’s lead actress, Shraddha Arya, after venturing into the Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam film industries, and even making a debut in Bollywood, made her small screen debut in Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki, which gave a boost to her already existing fanbase.
Shraddha Arya’s performance in Kundali Bhagya won her many awards and nominations including Kalakar Award for Best Actress and Best Actress Popular at Gold Awards. Arya has also won Favourite Popular Character Female twice in a row at the Zee Rishtey Awards.
She is known for her amazing acting, photogenic face, outstanding fashion sense and cute looks. Well, even though she plays the role of a doctor on-screen, she is raising the outside temperature with her great swimsuit looks. We can say that she is somewhere responsible for global warming!
Her hot swimsuit pictures are making us drool and we wanna see more of them. Take a look at our water queen – Shraddha Arya.