Rohit Roy, a renowned actor, is eagerly looking forward to his return to television with Star Bharat’s upcoming show, ‘Saubhagyavati Bhava: Niyam Aur Shartien Laagu’. In this captivating drama, he plays the crucial role of DCP Avinash, tasked with investigating the intriguing murder case of Raghav. He will be sharing the screen with Karanvir Bohra and Amandeep Sidhu.
Speaking about his break from TV and and joining the cast of Saubhagyavati Bhava: Niyam aur Shartien Laagu the actors get candid and expressed his feelings. He says, “A lot of people asked me why I was away from TV but that’s not true. I was waiting to do something different that would want my audience to sit and watch rather than just doing some usual stuff for namesake. My character is something that excites me and I believe that the viewers will love it too that that’s what made me come back on TV since I was offered with a interesting character that I couldn’t say no to.”
Rohit’s entry in the show will bring new wave of drama and entertainment in the show. It’ll be exciting to watch what lies ahead in the upcoming episodes of the show.
To know more stay tuned to watch ‘Saubhagyavati Bhava: Niyam aur Shartien Laagu’ every Monday-Saturday at 10pm only on Star Bharat