The TV show “Meri Saas Bhoot Hai” on Star Bharat has captured the audience’s attention with its captivating storyline and superb performances by the cast. The unique relationship between the ghostly mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become a fan favorite. Anushka Srivastava, who plays the bubbly Twinkle and is the second wife of Som (Vibhav Roy), has also won a special place in the viewers’ hearts. Anushka shared some interesting details about her and actress Priyanka Chopra’s connection to Jamshedpur, which inspires her acting.
Anushka Srivastava shared her acting experience and said, “The person I really admire in the industry is Priyanka Chopra. I like her a lot because she is from Jamshedpur and I am from Bihar. Today Jamshedpur comes under the state of Jharkhand, but earlier it was in Bihar only. She made us proud by winning the title of Miss World. I still watch all her interviews; I have also read books on her. Because she has gone ahead after a lot of struggle, I like her journey and I like her very much. I feel that whoever takes his first step in the industry must be thinking that their life should be like Priyanka Chopra Jonas.”
The TV series “Meri Saas Bhoot Hai” has been captivating viewers with its interesting plot and impressive acting. The latest episodes, after a time jump, are expected to be a thrilling ride of emotions, humor, and suspense, as Gaura and Rekha embark on exciting ghost-catching missions.
To know the answer, tune in to Meri Saas Bhoot Hai every Monday through Friday at 9PM exclusively on Star Bharat.