Bhagya Lakshmi is a Hindi television drama daily soap that first premiered on 3rd August 2021 on Zee TV and the OTT platform ZEE5. The show is produced by none other than the iconic producer Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms. And the show cast Aishwarya Khare and Rohit Suchanti as the lead pair. In comparison, Maera Mishra is the villain in the show. Aishwarya Khare plays the role of Lakshmi Bajwa and Rohit Suchanti as Rishi Oberoi.

Lakshmi Bajwa’s life takes a drastic turn when she knows that her marriage with Rishi Oberoi, a son of an industrialist, is just for the sake of Rishi’s long life and to keep him away from his death. Later the story grinds into brewing love with Rishi Oberoi and then getting divorced. But still, the equation between the two is not resolved, and Rishi’s girlfriend is also ready to marry him after getting done with Lakshmi. The story is interesting, and people like to watch the show. And so, if you are a fan of the Bhagya Lakshmi show, answer these questions below.

1) In which episode did Rishi Oberoi and Lakshmi Bajwa get married?

2) Who is the main villain in the show?

3) Who plays the characters of Lakshmi Bajwa’s sisters?

4) How many episodes has the Bhagya Lakshmi show completed till today?

5) When is Aishwarya Khare’s birthday?

6) What’s the reason behind Malishka’s hate for Lakshmi Bajwa?

7) When did Rishi Oberoi first fall for Lakshmi Bajwa?

8) Why does Rishi Oberoi’s mother hate Lakshmi Bajwa?

9) Who is Rishi Oberoi’s best friend in the show?

10) How many celebrities made special appearances in the show?

11) What time does Bhagya Lakshmi air on TV?

12) How many awards has the show taken on its name?

13) Who is the director of the Bhagya Lakshmi show?

14) Who are the writers of Bhagya Lakshmi?

15) Who is crazy in love with Lakshmi Bajwa?

Depending on the correct answers, decide your fondness for the show. Then, tell us your score in the comments, and follow