Zindagi Ki Mehek the popular show on Zee TV which brought to spotlight the effervescent pairing of Karan Vohra and Samiksha Jaiswal. The show also has a fan base of millions across the country. The show was mainly loved due to its interesting storyline, amazing cast, lovely pairing and unexpected plot twists.
Just as mentioned above, the show has a fan base of its own, which is quite huge. But what we find amusing is the fact that each of those fans claims to be the greatest fan of the show. Do you think the same of yourself? Try to get through the quiz we have prepared below.
When was the first-ever episode of the show aired?
Who plays the role of Shaurya on the show?
What role does Samiksha Jaiswal play on the show?
When did the show go off air?
What is Mehek’s profession?
In which place is the story of the show set?
Did you get through the quiz with complete ease? If yes, CONGRATULATIONS! You truly are a big fan of the show.
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