Shraddha Arya, the Kundali Bhagya actress took it to her social media handle to share a video, to share her memorable moment of a lifetime with her fans. The actress revealed when she first earned her award at the age of 3 only!
In the video, we could the gorgeous beauty in an embellished pink saree along with stylish jewellery and minimal makeup. The actress teamed it with a wavy hairdo, as she overwhelmingly narrates her story to her fans.
What’s more, she also gave details of ITA Awards 2022 to her fans on social media, collaborating with Star Plus in the video, giving a hint that she shall bag some more prestigious awards at the ceremony too.
She signed off by asking fans in the caption about their memorable moment in life, saying, “Apka Kounsa Pehla Aisa Special Moment Tha?”
Here take a look-
View Instagram Post 1: Checkout Unknown facts about Kundali Bhagya actress Shraddha Arya