Divyanka Tripathi, the actress has come a long way in the industry. With her amazing work onscreen in shows like Yeh Hai Mohabbatein and more, the actress has earned her due respect and love from the netizens. The actress with her power-packed style and vogue quotient has recently shared an unconventional yet most waited for fashion lookbook on social media.
A heavily embellished lehenga, that too with ‘pockets’, well, ladies, let’s be honest we all have got this endless love for ‘pockets’, and here Tripathi has got the ultimate lookbook that you can also carry out for your grand wedding! Wearing a stylish heavy lehenga in red with pockets too definitely becomes the ultimate quintessential now!
Divyanka sharing the pictures on her social media, looked all royal as she teamed it with classic jewellery and makeup look, posing with her hands inside the pocket. Sharing it she captioned the post, “Pocket is cool ??”. The actress completed the look with a beautiful head gear.