Shraddha Arya became everyone’s beloved Preeta, a sweet and good-natured daughter-in-law in Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya. She is the apple of everyone’s eye. Her chemistry with Dheeraj Dhoppar aka Karan grabbed a lot of attention during the course.

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She enjoys a massive fan following on social media and often keeps her fans updated with whatever is happening in her life. The dainty damsel has gone on to become a singer. Shraddha seems to be spending some quality time with her guitar and trying to get over her quarantine blue. The quarantine is tough but, the best part about it is that everyone is discovering new things and Shraddha too has discovered her new hobby. To break the quarantine boredom, she is learning guitar at home.

The dainty damsel has gone on to become a singer. The actress took to Instagram and shared the picture of the same. Take a look!

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