From Anushka Sen To Jannat Zubair: Young TV Actors And Their Educational Qualifications

TV actors and their educational qualifications.

Television actors who are young and smart have come a long way after their basic education to achieve bigger goals in the entertainment field. From youngsters like Anushka Sen, Jannat Zubair to Palak Tiwari, the actresses have had a good solid background of education. They could have done well for themselves in other fields too, but it was the bug of acting that brought them to the place they are in.

A report on talked about it and we take reference from that story for our write up here.

Anushka Sen is pursuing a degree in filmography at Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai.

Jannat has not gone to college. She completed her school and became a social media influencer before joining TV.

Palak Tiwari has done graduation in Psychology from Mithibai College in Mumbai.

Do you think they are doing well for themselves in the field they have chosen for themselves?