The Kasautii Zindagii Kay actor Parth Samthaan took it to his social media handle to share a video with his friend Amit Kapoor to celebrate his birthday. The two could be seen enjoying some good yum food together at a hotel, while Parth shared the videos on his social media.
In the video, we could see Parth Samthaan recording a video, sharing a glimpse of the amazing food that he is digging in, and then a glimpse of his friend Amit, who is all busy having his own meal.
Sharing the video, Parth wrote, “Birthday dinner with this birthday boy” and then tagged Amit Kapoor too.
However, this isn’t the first time we got to witness Parth’s grand obsession with food, the actor has often shared pictures and videos of him on social media, along with some grand delicacies from popular eateries.