Erica Fernandes took it to her social media handle to share a video from her latest photoshoot on social media. The actress could be seen in a gorgeous flared pink midi dress that she teamed with her wavy short bob hairstyle, with soft makeup, looking all dolled up with her dramatic eyes.
For accessories, the diva wore a pair of stud earrings and accentuated her lips with pink lip colour and her ever gorgeous smile. In the video, we could spot her goofing around with her adorable expressions, leaving fans all lovestruck once again.
Parth Samthaan took it to his social media handle to share a candid moment. In the picture we could spot the actor in a casual lilac hued tee that he teamed with denim jeans, trainer shoes, gelled hair and a stubble beard.
On the work front, the actor co-starred along with Erica Fernandes in the show Kasautii Zindagii Kay and also got us wowed with his acting chops in some of the OTT series too.