Ever since Hina Khan and Parth Samthaan appeared together in the hit Star Plus show, Kasautii Zindagii Kay, they have become the best of friends and comrade-in-arms. As fans of the show know, Parth Samthaan plays hunky businessman Anurag Basu on the show, while Hina Khan played Komolika until a while ago. And even though it’s been ages since Hina Khan exited the show in search of greener pastures, there has been no let-up in the love between the two beautiful actors.
Hina Khan indulged in some very public display of affection towards the lovable Parth Samthaan, when she declared on social media this afternoon that she loved this boy, her Paarthuu!
Check out Hina Khan’s Instagram post –
Awww, isn’t that so very cute! In this time of fickle friendships, we hope that the mutual love and friendship these two share lasts for ever!