Kumkum Bhagya is an Indian drama television series, produced by Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji telefilms. It stars Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia. This show has completed 5 years of journey and is still ruling the hearts of the audience. It premiered on 15th April 2014 on Zee TV. The couple Pragya and Abhi is loved by their fans. Pragya is shown as a simple girl who gets married to the rockstar Abhishek Mehra.

Kundali Bhagya is related to Kumkum Bhagya and this is also produced by Ekta Kapoor. The show premiered on 12 July 2017 on Zee TV. It features Shraddha Arya, Dheeraj Dhoopar and Manit Joura. The story of the show is Preeta meets the Luthras when she becomes the physiotherapist to their grandmother. Preeta and Karan share a conflicting relationship, whereas Preeta and Rishabh share a cordial relationship.

According to you which is the best Hindi romantic serial, Kumkum Bhagya or Kundali Bhagya?