Shraddha Arya, the Kundali Bhagya actress took it to her social media handle to share a candid moment from the Vizag streets as she spends some quality time with her husband Rahul Nagal in the evening. The diva shared the video, as she went out for a cosy walk, as it seemed in the video, leaving us with couple-goals.
Arya sharing the video, looking cool and sassy in her all-black casual avatar with high sleek ponytail and no makeup, wrote, “An evening in Vizag…you’ll also see my husband running out of the frame”, which we could figure as the actress panned the camera to the other side.
The actress shared another boomerang video in the row with her husband, where we could see both of them twinning in black while they enjoy some refreshing drinks in the mug.
The duo tied the knot last year November. Reports say that Arya opted for an arranged marriage, however, the two dated for a year before settling in.