Shraddha Arya, the Kundali Bhagya actress, has now shared an awe moment with her husband Rahul Nagal on social media. The actress is known for her amazing work as Preeta Arora in the show. However, while she has given some pure goals with her onscreen chemistry with Dheeraj Dhoopar aka Karan Luthra, she gives pure couple goals with her romantic picture with Rahul Nagal.
The actress has now shared a picture with her dear husband on social media, where we could see the diva in a beautiful floral dress that she worked up on with minimal makeup, wavy hair, and chic accessories. Rahul Nagal, on the other hand, could be seen hugging her from behind, looking stunning in his casual look.
Take a look-
Sharing the beautiful picture, Arya wrote, “Near & Far, close together” For the unversed, Rahul Nagal is a commander navy. Shraddha tied the knot with Rahul back in 2021 November.