Shraddha Arya, the leading lady, is currently entertaining masses as Preeta in Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya. Her on-screen chemistry with Karan aka Dheeraj Dhoopar is something which is loved by all her fans.

The young and talented beauty is the perfect example of beauty with brains. She has a great sense of style, which is always on point.

She always manages to stun her fans with a variety of diverse looks, be it on the red carpet, onscreen or an everyday look. Shraddha has a beautiful smile and confidence on her face, which makes her even prettier and attractive.

Each and every time Shraddha drops a photo or video on her social media, the internet sets on fire and no wonder she has a huge fan following.

Recently, she shared a fun video wherein she is singing a song and dancing. The actress is very happy and having a gala time.

Check her amazing video here!

View Instagram Post 1: Kundali Bhagya actress Shraddha Arya's latest video is the best thing on the internet today