Shraddha Arya has been winning hearts with her acting chops as Preeta, a sweet and good-natured daughter-in-law in Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya for a couple of years now. Her chemistry with Dheeraj Dhoppar aka Karan grabbed a lot of attention during the course. She is one of those few multi-talented stars. At the same time, Shraddha not only does good acting but also has a great taste in fashion.
She enjoys a massive fan following on social media and often keeps her fans updated with whatever is happening in her life. Shraddha seems to be spending some quality time and trying to get over her quarantine blue. The quarantine is tough but, the best part about it is that everyone is discovering new things and enjoying various activities. The actress took a new challenge and played the fun game Never Have I Ever. She revealed few personal details about her love, at first sight, crush and more.
Check the fun video here!!