Shraddha Arya is coming back to her home after she finishes shooting in Goa for Kumkum Bhagya. The actress shared a stunning homecoming picture of her on her Instagram story and declared the same.

Here take a look-

The actress has been sharing several pictures and videos from her Goa days on her Instagram handle, however, even though we will miss those stunning beautiful pictures, but it’s always good to have our favourite actress back in the town.

The actress has been playing the role of Preeta in the show Kumkum Bhagya, her work onscreen has got immense love all across the country, also, her stunning Instagram pictures made her one of the popular fashion creators in the nation.

View Instagram Post 1: Kundali Bhagya babe Shraddha Arya's homecoming moment caught on camera, fans love it

View Instagram Post 2: Kundali Bhagya babe Shraddha Arya's homecoming moment caught on camera, fans love it