Shraddha Arya has shared a video on her social media handle, as she gets all decked up to get a new look from her stylist. The actress is known for her amazing work in the show with the role of Preeta Arora. And now giving us pure goals, the actress has dropped us a stunning moment as she gets a new look.

In the video, we could see the actress looking all stunning in her casual wrap dress, while she does a touch-up on her makeup. With that, we can spot her hairstylist doing her hair from the back, and Arya looking all spectacular even though in her undone avatar.

Take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Kundali Bhagya fame Shraddha Arya gets a new look! Watch video

Talking of Kundali Bhagya, the actress is playing the lead in the show along with Dheeraj Dhoopar who is known for his role, Karan Luthra. Apart from the show, the actress has also stunned us with her work in several music videos earlier.