Nisha Jamwal, who is an author designer, is now planning to make a return to TV. She had earlier done Home Shanti Home, episodes for Hema Malini’s magazine Meri Saheli and Red Hot Countdown for Zoom as well.
“I am in advanced talks with a couple of channels and will soon make a big announcement. I am very confident in front of the camera and holding conversations. Grilling chatting slice of life design fashion etc all sorts of milieus whichever works, even a travel show would be up my creek, I think on my feet and am very articulate. I look quite decent on camera so why not utilize it to do something bigger and better.”
Here, Nisha adds that a good host, must have all the required traits i.e. good looks, intelligence, great personality and last but not the least superb communication skills.
“You can’t have just a couple and miss out others. One needs an interesting cocktail like a Bloody Mary. I feel I can pull it off again for my earlier shows went from one to five repeats on prime time.”
Which kind of guests would you like to grace your show? “Well, that is a collective call which will be eventually taken by all concerned stake holders, be it producer and channel. But if you ask my personal take it should be combination of all fields.” Among contemporary politician she would like to grill Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “He is a very enigmatic personality. As he always likes to sidestep personal question, I would like to go deeper. There is much more to him, he must be a very lonely person always busy. I also find Shashi Tharoor, who is always in the eye of an storm, he is a very articulate writer and has an interesting thought process. Last but not the least would be external affair minister Ms Sushma Swaraj, it would be interesting to get her inner thoughts.”
We wish her luck.